tiger tattoo

Fantastic Tiger Tattoo Ideas 2019

Wearing a powerful tattoo is a tough job. You should be as strong as your tattoo and learn how to get power from the symbol. Tiger tattoo is one of the most powerful animal tattoos from tattoo trends 2019 and no wonder why we have chosen the symbol as an inspiration. To get the best ideas we have picked top fantastic tiger tattoo ideas 2019 of the best tattoo artists.

There are million modern tiger tattoo designs but not everyone knows that tiger was a symbol tattoo in different ancient civilizations and for each one tiger had very special symbolism and meaning. To find out what your unique animal tattoo means, check out these pictures with meaning.

tiger tattoo


Dangerous yet still playful cat, tiger has a character and we love him not only for unique coloring and killing eyes but also for royal behavior.

In Asian culture tiger was one of the most important characters and the part of their mythology. In Chinese art tigers are pictured in bright colors and black outlining. Chinese tiger is the symbol of the God of Wealth. It is believed that tiger Chinese tiger tattoo will bring luck and great fortune.

In general, tiger tattoo means energy, power, dominance, protection, nobility, royalty, passion and sexuality.


The first thing to know about tiger tattoo is that it is big and it should be big and there isn’t other option. Well of course you can get a tiny baby tiger on your finger, wrist or foot. Yet nothing can be compared with a huge colorful tiger on your back, shoulder, lower back and chest.

Men are more likely to get tiger tattoo on shoulder that also covers chest. Tigers have fierce look with roaring face and colorful stripes. Modern examples of tiger tattoos 2019 are monotone in linework and dotwork.  The styles are more often combined for even more dramatic look.

More Photos of Fantastis Tiger Tattoos

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tiger tattoo 2019