The tradition of getting animal tattoo has been around for thousand years. Every animal tattoo had its symbolism and meaning. Today, animal tattoos are even more popular. They are updated according to tattoo trends 2019 and have become even more eye catching. To make your image truly unique check out this gallery of 30 creative elephant tattoos and choose one for your makeover.
Big strong elephant symbolizes all the gentle feelings and notions. This is why the animal is considered an original symbol for body decoration. Before showing you some new ideas of elephant tattoos from tattoo trends 2019 let’s find out the symbolism and meaning of elephant.
Despite of their power and strength elephants are extremely kind and peaceful. They never attack or act aggressively until they are provoked. This is why they are characterized as patient and kind animals. Elephant appeared in the history and religion of different ancient civilizations with this or that symbolism.
In Hinduism elephant played a great role as a sacred animal. It was present in religious rituals and ceremonies. Plus, it was a powerful symbol and “weapon” during wars. In Hindu mythology, the animal embodies the god Lord Ganesha who has human body and the head of elephant. Ganesha brings luck and fortune.
In Buddhism elephant is also found as a sacred animal. Unique white elephant is believed to bring luck. The elephant also symbolizes love, kindness, peace and compassion.
Elephant is devoted to family and herd. If one of the elephants dies, the herd stays by its side for a while. This is the most generous demonstration of loyalty and love. The same meaning carries elephant tattoo.
Together with the versatility of meanings there are so many styles of elephant animal tattoos. The gallery includes modern elephant tattoos in patterns, minimalistic styles in linework, watercolor designs, cartoon elephant tattoos, larger realistic elephant tattoos, geometric styles and much more.
More photos of Creative Elephant Tattoos