Wonder why we so much love lion tattoos? Check out this collection of top popular lion animal tattoos that include the best examples of tattoo ideas 2019.
As the king of the jungle lion just can’t be in the second place. This is the best symbol of leadership and power. In general lion tattoo stands for strength, courage, power, wisdom, love, hope, family, transformation and balance.
The image was found in many ancient cultures and religions with original symbolism. Thus, in Japanese culture the lion is the symbol of honor and justice. In China the lion symbolized guardianship and good luck. In Ancient Egypt, two lions standing with their backs on one other. The symbol meant balance and was placed on the outer walls of sacred temples.
And at last, lion symbolizes powerful zodiac sign Leo, born between July 23 and August 22. Modern Leo zodiac sign tattoos are mostly pictured with unique lion images and they look even more impressive than glyph tattoo.
Tattoo trends 2019 are truly amazing. They are versatile and offer the craziest choice of tattooing styles and techniques. As for lion symbol it looks equally fantastic in any style. The top popular lion tattoo collection includes both realistic lion tattoos, super cool linework, tribal lion tattoos, geometric designs and the mixture of the styles.
Roaring lion is the most impressive tattoo that brings out your nature and power. Tiny lion head is a suitable tattoo for women. While men more often choose impressive lion tattoos on back, shoulder and arm.
More photos of Popular Lion tattoos
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