Traditional Japanese tattooing have been the part of Asian culture for thousands of years. The ancient body art Irezumi is an important cultural aspect. To understand Japanese culture you should learn the history of traditional Japanese tattoo and meaning.
Once Japanese tattoos were popular only in Asian culture just like other tribal tattoos. Slowly Asian culture spred worldwide. The traditional Japanese tattoos started to gain popularity. In fact, amazing tattooing culture with so many symbols is definitely worth your attention.
Originally, Japanese tattoo was a symbol to identify social status. Then the symbols started to be used as protection signs. There were also spiritual symbols. The culture of tattooing changed. Gradually Japanese started tattooing body as a form of punishment. Tattoos were body marks to identify this or that criminal group and the members of the group.
Today the symbols and meaning of Japanese tattoo is still present. Still the tradition of getting tattoos has changed. If once criminal groups marked themselves as distinguisihing signs, today tribal tattoo is a unique body art that carries the history of a whole culture and tells a story.
The meaning of Japanese tattoo depends on the images and symbols it has. More often the combination of this or that image can have different meaning. Thus, the first thing to do is to learn the meaning of each symbol.
Japanese Dragon Tattoo meaning. In Japanese culture dragon symbolizes strength and wealth. This magical dragon is characterized as generous creature. In traditional tattoos dragons have bright shades. For more impressive look they may breathe fire.
Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo meaning. Koi fish tattoo is the symbol of courage, determination and strength. In Asian culture koi is characterized as strong fish. It could swim upstream in the Yellow River. Those who could get to the “Dragon’s Gate”, turned into dragons. In traditional tattoos koi fish is colored in orange and red.
Japanese Tiger Tattoo meaning. Tiger symbol protects from evil spirits and bad luck. It is a symbol of power. In Japanese tattooing tiger looks realistic. The head or the whole tiger is common for Japanese tattoos.
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